This is a short segment from a podcast looking at our inner environment.
We look at how too many people have allowed their emotions to interfere with their behavior and independence of thought.
As well as, the importance of being fully responsible for yourself.
It’s time we had a talk about our emotions!
Our Inner Environment needs to be examined.
I learned a long time ago; nobody cares about my emotions.
So, I stopped sharing them as often especially with people who weren’t in my inner circle.
In this video, we discuss the responsibility we have of managing our inner environment.
I found an example online of a young woman at a MAGA rally who was very emotional about those red caps!
Today we’re taking a look at our inner environment what it is and what we need to do to take care of it. I’m your host Dyann Bridges and this is another edition of The Body House Chronicles.
I’ve found an audio from a trump rally a couple of years ago and you’ll hear three people talking within a crowd.
One woman is I guess you could say from a left-leaning group and she’s speaking to a man and a woman they both have on Red Hats saying “Make America Great Again”.
They all look to be between 25 and 30-ish the woman who’s speaking you’ll hear her talking a lot about emotions and how the MAGA hats scare her.
Her behavior did seem a little bit erratic and exaggerated, but I’ll let you listen to it and see what you think and then we’ll launch into looking at our inner environment.
Man with MAGA hat – “…that’s because the mainstream media’s narrative that’s painted Donald Trump is a racist I don’t agree with I don’t agree with the narrative. I’m out here to try to share that that narrative is skewed.
Emotional Woman – “As a human being we should pay attention to fear and not logic.
Man and Woman with MAGA hats – “wait, wait you said I should have pay attention to emotions… and not facts. Why would I pay attention to emotions?”
Emotional Woman – “That they are real in this world. Facts are not. Emotions are real. Emotions… I find that it is hard to trust others….”
Man and woman with MAGA hats – “You shouldn’t trust the mainstream media you should like, start listening and looking at it. What do you suggest that it’s saying? Don’t trust knowledge operate in darkness no go look up facts go look up like actual statistics.”
Okay so as you can see that young lady sounded very frightened by the hats and she did talk a lot about fear and emotions.
What I didn’t mention earlier and what you can’t see from the audio is
that she had a shaved head as well.
From what I could tell this young lady really was incredibly self-indulgent in her own emotions and seemed to expect that others should feel the same way.
You heard her say that she thought that people should put emotions over logic and above facts.
This speaks to the entitlement that we see so much of in our society.
Now because you feel a certain way that other people should feel the same way.
Apparently, now the most emotional one in the room is one who gets to be right.
I do believe that this is part of the problem today because we have not become responsible for our inner environment.
So, that’s why today I’d like to talk a little bit about our inner environment.
Those are our thoughts emotions and our energy our life force energy and how that really is our domain.
Our exclusive domain that is completely 100 percent our responsibility.
No matter how close we get to another human being, a lover, a child, we live life through our bodies.
Only we look out from our eyes.
So, what goes on within this piece of real estate if you will? It’s ours to deal with.
You can’t control the external world, that’s true, but you can control the internal world.
Eventually get to the point where there’s genuine peace and acceptance of what is. Which starts to make life a lot easier.
I also think this is one of the reasons we’re having so many problems (in 2021).
Now, is it because too many people have decided that someone else should fix it?
Whatever is the irritant of the moment, too many people want to be rescued.
There’s a sense of entitlement that life somehow owes them something or the government owes them something.
What I want to focus on here is what goes on inside of your body, inside of your mind, your brain, your heart, your energy level, your emotions – they’re all yours!
And… the things that go on inside of us help us experience this life.
Without a physical body with its five senses, we don’t have a life. Not a human life.
Not a real life. Not a life that the Divine Creator intended for us.
On this truly abundant planet, if we were more responsible with our individual lives we wouldn’t be in this mess
Our collective problems are a byproduct of not owning our individual inner environment.
Not understanding how you really think and feel about things.
Then realizing that some of the thoughts you have are not as independent as you’d like to think they are.
Perhaps your emotions are far too reactive and without a certain measure of self-control it gets harder to relate.
How can you find somebody to relate to if you don’t even know who you are? What about your career your job and your friends? How you spend your money? How you look after your body and care for yourself?
A lot of that has much to do with how you manage your inner environment.
In regard to relationships the better you understand your inner environment the more it will alert you to who may or may not be good for you.
Who you can trust? Who will be easy to deal with and live with?
I guess I’m saying become a good manager of yourself and your energies. Without those things in check you can waste a lot of energy.
And that’s the currency of life – is energy.
Younger people tend to have a lot more energy in general than older people because life knows that we’re going to make a lot more mistakes when we’re younger.
So, it gives us more energy to deal with all the mess-ups it knows that we’re going to deal with.
If we don’t learn certain life lessons, if we resist learning those lessons and continue with the same behavior we engaged in when we were younger, life tends to tax us more heavily by taking away more energy.
If you’re making the same mistakes in your 40s as you were in your early twenties, you’re in trouble.
You’re going to get older faster. You’re going to look it and you’re going to feel it.
That’s why it’s so important to be aware of what’s happening inside you so that you know when and how to let go of something that’s not serving you.
So in regard to relationships, when it comes to your inner environment, a relationship will tax you in ways that couldn’t possibly happen when you’re by yourself.
When you’re in a relationship, there are stakes to sharing how you really think and feel. Whereas when you’re walking around by yourself they’re just your thoughts and feelings.
There’s no risk.
You don’t have to share anything with anybody, but as you build an intimate relationship this becomes more of a requirement.
Not only sharing how you think and feel, but doing so in a way that is palatable for the other person is necessary.
Sharing in a way that can be heard by the other person. Free from creating extra tension as far as your inner environment goes.
In the world-at-large (in 2021), that means an independence of thought and a lack of fear.
Those two things (independence of thought and no fear) right there, will get us out of a lot of problems.
Really look at your emotions really look at your thoughts. Ask yourself how you came to certain conclusions.
Why do you feel a certain way if you do feel fear?
Where is that coming from and why and how did you arrive at those thoughts, conclusions or perceptions?
Then watch what kind of action you take when you eliminate the fear based on that independent thought process and perception.
I’d be curious to see how that turns out for you…..
Thank you for listening and reading and have a sensual day,
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