The whole point of an intimate relationship between men and women is to serve each other in love and spirit.
And let’s be honest, most of us don’t even treat ourselves with the kind of respect and gentleness we treat our significant other, but that’s how we grow.
When you think about it, why engage in intimacy if your growth and love are served more by living alone?
Intimacy between men and women is about growing more than you ever could by yourself.
So gentlemen, one of the largest gifts you can give your lady is your capacity to open her heart when it’s closed.
Of course, she can (and should) learn to get herself out of her dark mood, but your masculine staff of love can penetrate her darkness and brighten her day in a way she can’t do for herself.
However, if you are like most men, you probably end up feeling burdened by your lady’s mood.
More than likely, you wish your lady would just leave you alone and take care of herself.
As this cycle continues, you as a man, start to feel worn down, and/or frustrated. You end up simply tolerating your lady’s moods, while resentment builds inside of you.
You wonder, why can’t she just be happy?
A woman’s feminine energy fluctuates greatly. She’s often part open and loving (those easy moments) or closed and critical (the difficult times).
This ends up being an emotional test of your capacity to stay still, be present and stay available to her.
Let’s remember too…
This cycle of the feminine is like all cycles in nature: it never ends.
The sooner you, as a man, can learn to embrace and actually dance with the energy of these feminine moods.
This way, you’ll both find growth sooner. It’s important to see the humor in the play of Life.
Which means a highly evolved man sees his lady’s mood swings as a challenge and even an amusement. Not in a condescending way, of course. More like a momentary lapse in present moment consciousness that you are tasked to redirect.
Instead of tolerating your woman’s bad moods and complaints, why not find a way to make it a mission to overcome this challenge by developing the skill of opening her heart. You as her man, are the only person in her world who can open her heart in this particular way.
THIS is one of your man gifts that you can give to your lady.
And let’s be honest, BOTH of you will grow more by your giving than by your tolerating. A self possessed masculine man sees his woman’s moods not as a burden, but as a way to share himself with her in a way that helps her grow and bring the two of you closer together. Men are leaders. Leaders create harmonious teams.
There are many creative ways to creatively deal with her moodiness. Try some of the following techniques, but use your discretion. Not all women will response to all of these actions in a positive. So be aware!
So, try some these mood changers with care;
Tickle her
Take off your clothes and strike a pose
Dance around
Sing opera or a favorite rock or pop song
Make animal sounds
Shout at her incredibly loud and then immediately kiss her passionately (That’s a shocker)
Press your belly into her until she melts
Lift her off the ground and spin her around
Give her a tight full body hug
Sometimes, talking with your lady helps to create intimacy between men and women, but not nearly as often as using your sense of humor and genuinely expressing your love for her in a physical way.
The talking things out can and should be reserved for her and her girlfriends. It’s not a male/female dynamic.
As the man, make sure you keep it that way.
If you have tried every creative, humorous, and actionable loving way you can think of to shake her downer mood and she still refuses to let go of her negativity, then simply relax.
Go deep into the moment. There is nothing else to do at this point.
Now…. there is another dimension to this.
What to do when you have tried and met blockages at every turn? What do you do when you have done everything you can and she will not respond positively?
First of all, this is what it means;
You are not skillful enough to manage her feminine ways
She is not willing enough to receive your masculine gifts
Finally, you might have to consider you are with the wrong woman
Just remember that any woman you are with, if she has a feminine sexual essence, will cycle through mood swings every day. These swings will seem random and with no “reason” for them.
You cannot avoid this by changing to different women in your relationships. You can’t ‘wait it out’ either, hoping for the moods to stop.
You can only develop your skill in helping your lady into openness.
It never really ends though, even if you are passionate, fearless, loving, and humorous with her.
The weather continually cycles through rain and heat and night and day and your lady will continually cycle through being open and being closed. She’ll do this even when her life and relationship with you seem great.
That’s until she can find a way to stay contained emotionally. This takes tremendous maturity, self awareness and discipline in a woman. It takes many years to get there. You can help her get there faster by providing the stability her emotional states need and crave.
So, if you find yourself merely tolerating these feminine mood cycle and are fed up with the endless conversations that go nowhere, you can be sure that resentment is building – mostly in both of you.
So, don’t tolerate her mood. And don’t talk about it with her. Participate in it. Bloom her into fullness by leading her into a positive state.
You, as a man, must understand that to develop intimacy between men and women, you must become stronger, more stable and provide a structure (in life) for your lady to live in with you.
Here’s what intimacy between men and women might look like;
Moving her body with your body
Opening her heart with your humor
Penetrate her shut down attitude with your fearless presence
Open her heart with reminders of past greatness and loving moments
Build her up by reminding her of who she really is.
Soften her with genuine compliments and displays of respect
Of course, women can do this themselves, but for real intimacy between man and women to flourish it’s best if the man provides his granite like masculinity for her softness to lean on.
Although, when you think about it, if she could grow more by herself, then maybe she shouldn’t be with you?
If you found this content valuable please share it.
Dyann Bridges xoxo
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