This is an article about women that has been updated for 2025. The original was posted in 2016.
Gentlemen – You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know About Women And That’s OKAY!
It’s important to just listen and HEAR where someone else is coming from without judgement.
That way you open a doorway for greater understanding about the situation.
Welcome to another edition of the Bridges Bulletin. Let’s get started.
This is Dyann Bridges creator of the relators manual and coach for men.
In this session I want to talk about what men don’t know.
You actually don’t know what you don’t know about women and that’s okay!
However, I’ve seen many men create a lot more problems when they’re dealing with women because they think they know.
Many men think that women think like them or they become suspicious because they see women as all the same type of creature.
Part of this too has to do with a man’s fear of rejection. This is the flip side of what women deal with which is a fear of abandonment.
When looking at the gender polarities in general, those are the two greatest fears.
So, a lot of what a man may think they know about women is based on their fear of rejection.
Unless you can rise above that by becoming more conscious which in essence means being in the moment.
It’s important to have a part of yourself that’s aware of yourself outside of yourself. Almost like a witness if you will. To see what you’re thinking while you’re thinking it. To see what you’re doing as you’re doing it.
Developing a part of yourself that observes what you’re doing and thinking and feeling in any given moment is critical for self awareness and growth.
So, let’s take look at when a man looks at a woman and gets very suspicious. She may not have done anything suspicious. However, she may be an attractive woman and perhaps she’s just being nice.
Many women are naturally chatty and they want to have harmony.
Sometimes men make the mistake that they think a woman is coming on to them when she’s just being nice and friendly. They think that she’s really into him when she’s just having a nice conversation.
Her mind may not have even gone to that place where she thought that you were attractive and maybe you two could go on a date or something like that.
Maybe that’s the farthest thing from her mind at that moment.
She may just be enjoying the conversation and that’s it.
I can tell you that really is all it is with most women. Especially, when they’re having a laugh with you during a good conversation. That really is all it is… at first.
If it goes on long enough she may find you attractive enough to want to sleep with you, but most women really don’t have an agenda when they’re having a good conversation with you.
Some women are calculating like that, but for the most part, no.
So I would encourage men, if you are naturally fairly suspicious of women and you find yourself thinking those thoughts quite often, to maybe just let those go. Then, just see how the conversation goes.
At the end of it, that’s probably just it and you were suspicious for no reason.
However, if you want to stay suspicious, this will inject a certain level of tension into the conversation.
Understand, that’s not a true instinct. Suspicion is not intuition.
Although, if you’re really connected to your instincts, they will tell you if this is someone to be cautious of.
The rest of the time you can just relax.
If you trust yourself, your instincts will rise up when needed. You can just focus, get your work done, enjoy people, enjoy women and that’s it.
Thank you for listening/reading and I wish you a very sensual day. Dyann xoxo
Dyann Bridges is a publisher, voiceover performer and coach.
Contact Dyann at:
Do you like sexy stories?
Well, as a writer and voice over artist I narrate erotica and write some stories too!
If you’d like to listen to some erotica for women that I’ve written and narrated try this one…
‘Sheers’ A Sexy Powerful Man/Sexy Lady Erotic Dynamic – Narrated by Dyann Bridges
Vintage Erotica Narrated by Dyann Bridges – Tame but FUN!
If you like audio erotica, I’ve voiced some books you may be interested in.
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