Don’t Allow Yourself To Get Lost In The Small Stuff And NO It’s Not All Small Stuff
In a recent article, I spoke about how important it is for a man to following his deepest purpose. He become a man on a mission. (Find it here…)
With all the craziness in our world right now and all the small insignificant things that happen to all of us every single day –> a man must remember that life is really about the deepest truth of this present moment.
On the surface that sounds kind of unexciting or esoteric.
However, grasping this understanding and taking to heart will help the small ups and downs of life go by as if you were captain of a ship.
Mundane (but necessary) tasks and duties don’t get a man any further down the road to higher conscious, his greater purpose or free up his capacity to be in the present moment.
If a man is in “do” mode it tends to mean he’s totally focused and intent on getting a task done.
Which is a good thing… it’s just misplaced. Meaning…
In “do” mode, you don’t want to be disturbed. If anyone tries to interrupt you with a question, you ignore them, or give them a quick answer so you can keep on track.
This “do mode” is very common among men.
Whether you’re trying to hear something on TV or finish a report by midnight, your attention is focused on the task at hand and you don’t want to be distracted.
This “do mode” is one of men’s biggest strengths and weaknesses.
It’s great to be able to plow through obstructions and get the job done.
And it’s good to keep yourself disciplined and on purpose.
However, if you forget your bigger purpose while pursuing the small, endless and not necessarily necessary tasks of daily life, then you’ve reduced yourself to a robotic errand boy.
The test of your experience of the ever expansive present moment is your capacity to live (and die) in free and loving surrender.
When you’ve mastered this ability (to really BE in the moment) you’ll know you’ve done everything you could to give your man gifts and experience the truth of Life.
Ask Yourself These Questions – Study The Answers…
- Have you loved fully?
- Do you have unexpressed feelings for someone important to you?
- Do you live with regrets?
- Do you have a concept of the immense mystery of Life?
- Are you so absorbed in small stuff that you can’t feel the miracle of existence?
- Do you have a sense of possibility in general?
How well do you know yourself and how much of yourself do you really share?
What is your vision for yourself, for your family and the world? (Not necessarily in that order)
Tasks are important. Things need to get done, but no amount of daily duties add up to love, freedom, or present moment living.
Doing is simply the nature of your bodily life.
When you do your tasks in the right way, they liberate your life energy so that you can attend to what really matters—the investigation, realization, and embodiment of true freedom.
Do you even know what this means?
Have you devoted yourself to finding the deepest truth of your own existence?
If your daily tasks and doings are not supporting the expansion of your consciousness, then you must eliminate them or change them so they do accommodate your betterment.
Otherwise, you are wasting your life.
Women Have Their Own “Small Stuff”
Many women waste precious time swirling in their own emotional currents over things that are not nearly as important as the intensity of their emotions would suggest.
Many men waste their lives seeking a completion of a series of tasks.
Nose to the grindstone, day after day, year after year. You become a robot of duty.
To remember the triviality of your daily tasks, interrupt your schedule with refreshers.
Such as:
a walk in the park
a short Meditation
hugging an animal or a tree
staring at a flower
a few yoga poses
a few minutes of deep breathing
contemplate your own death
a cold shower
These refreshers are meant to completely disengage you from the mundane and expand your consciousness, even briefly.
In essence, these refreshers are to help you remember the infinite, and then get back to the task.
This way, you will never lose perspective and begin to think that life is a series of tasks.
You are not a drone.
You are a piece of infinite consciousness. Really let that sink in. Now, go finish cleaning the garage.
If you found this content valuable please share it.
Dyann Bridges xoxo
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