Human beings, especially women, are very emotional creatures.
Have you noticed that?
In addition, it seems American society has encouraged the preciousness of feelings.
This is a dangerous trend. It used to be that people were encouraged to be warrior like. What happened to that?
When we are slaves to our emotions, we become much easier to control and manipulate.
Since controlling our emotions has a lot to do with maturing, inner peace is a life long pursuit.
Physical movement can greatly reduce and prevent excessive emotion developing in the body.
In fact, breath and movement can do much to help us heal our mind, our bodies and spirits.
So, to that end, here are some Tantra yoga positions that will help you manage your emotions and give you greater inner peace.
Tantra Yoga Offers A Solution
The ancient system of Yoga implores us to control our emotions and provides the tools necessary to do so.
Some might ask, why would you want to control your emotions?
Because emotions are energy and energy equates to great power.
This is about how you are using your life force energy. This is about maturing spiritually and mentally.
Managing your energy IS managing your emotions, your mind, your body and your LIFE.
So when we allow our emotions to control us we can suffer greatly and our potential to connect with others and impact the world positively will be vastly diminished.
To be in control of your emotional landscape means you have authority over your life energy.
You are responsible for yourself.
It’s the exact opposite of being and ‘feeling’ like a victim.
Tantra Yoga offers many approaches and techniques to solve this modern dilemma of hypersensitivity and over-emotionality.
Meditation, Tantra Yoga, mantras, yantras, sounds, colors, vibrations, music and more area all part of ancient Yoga systems that were designed to help human beings heal and grow.
So how exactly can Tantra Yoga poses help me with my emotions?
Yoga poses, in authentic branches of Yoga, know that the asanas (yoga poses) have secret meanings and mystical effects.
By putting our bodies in certain positions we can ‘reroute’ and ‘redirect’ the energy running through it.
In other words, we can change the path our life energy normally takes and creates various intended and predetermined effects.
If you want to create healing effects and achieve emotional calmness, there is a Tantra Yoga position for that.
Tantra Yoga Is Unique In That Every Asana Has An Energetic Focus.
So, without further adieu, let’s get into the top three Tantra Yoga poses that can help you calm and stabilize your emotions. Take back your power!
At no point should a Yoga pose cause pain. If there is pain of any kind, come out of the position immediately. Try instead to do one of the variations. With practice you may find you’re better able to perform the Yoga pose. Until then work within your limits and boundaries and above all be safe and gentle with yourself.
#1 Paschimottanasana – Seated Forward Bend
One of the easier yoga poses to perform, paschimottanasana is commonly referred to as the seated forward bend. It is well suited for the beginner and advanced practitioner alike, requiring no exceptional level of flexibility.
It works at the level of the mind which both directly and indirectly affects the state and influential potential of our emotions. This powerful asana can help to ground the mind, curb the mental processes and create a calm mindscape. Our thinking mind ultimately fuels the emotions. With a steady mind there is no ammunition to inflame our emotional state. Our emotions will submit to a fixed and powerful mind.
Execution of this Tantra Yoga Pose

Come to a seated position on the floor, legs outstretched in front of you and completely straight. Lengthen up through the spine, reach the arms overhead and hinge forward at the hips, aiming to place the hands on the knees, shins or feet. With this yoga pose your spine does not need to remain straight or elongated. Simply relax the back and allow your head to fall between the arms. Avoid bending the knees. In order for the energy to continuously flow unencumbered through your entire being the legs must be straight and the knees locked.

Close your eyes and concentrate your attention on your root chakra – located between the anus and testicles for men and the entrance of the vagina for women. Try to perceive earthly energies activating and arousing the root chakra. Do not let your mind waiver. If it strays from the point of concentration gently bring it back.
It is recommended to hold this asana as long as possible. If you are a beginner try holding paschimottanasana for 2 minutes continuously. For more advanced practitioners you can start with 3-5 minutes. As you adapt to the position, slowly build up your practice time. Ideally this Yoga pose is held for 15-20 minutes at a time. The longer you hold the position the greater the effects and the stronger the energy circulation.
Effects of This Tantra Yoga Pose
As mentioned above, performing this Yoga pose for an extended period of time will have an effect on the mind and therefore the emotions.
You may feel subtle vibrations in the area of the root chakra.
Paschimottanasana can help bring great relief from;
fluctuating or chaotic emotional states
#2 Bhujangasana – Cobra Pose
Bhujangasana requires some spinal flexibility to perform in its fullest expression. However, there are variations shown below, making it accessible to most.

The cobra pose, as it is commonly referred to, works directly with the heart chakra, located in the center of the chest. It harmonizes and balances, cleanses and purifies and activates and arouses the heart chakra.
Additionally, bhujangasana elevates low level emotions to a higher, more dignified state. Anger can be transformed to patience; hate can transcend to love; and sadness sublimed to joy. Our emotional state becomes more refined and divine in nature and we can experience pure emotions such as compassion, universal love, contentment, gratitude and forgiveness.
Execution of This Tantra Yoga Pose

Lie down on your stomach with the legs separated. Place the palms of your hands flat on the ground directly under your shoulders. Extend the arms fully, arching the back while gently tilting the head back. If this is uncomfortable on the low back simply walk the hands forward, decreasing the degree of extension in the low spine. Find a comfortable level of performance for you which you can sustain and maintain for several minutes at a time. Alternatively, you can do the sphinx position demonstrated in the photos and titled “Variation 2”.

Close your eyes and focus your attention on your heart chakra. If your mind wanders away from the point of concentration simply bring it back. Due to the chaotic monkey mind that is so prevalent today, you may need to do this several times throughout the performance of this Yoga pose. Be patient, yet determined.
It is recommended to hold this asana as long as possible. If you are a beginner try holding bhujangasana for 1-2 minutes continuously. For more advanced practitioners you can start with 3-5 minutes. As you adapt to the position, slowly build up your practice time. Ideally this Yoga pose is held for 5-10 minutes continuously. The longer you hold the position the greater the effects and the stronger the energy circulation.
Effects Of This Tantra Yoga Pose
Bhujangasana works strongly with the heart chakra, transforming all emotional states to a more spiritual level. It serves a great purpose for modern people.
This Tantra Yoga Pose helps with;
healing a broken heart
recovering from loss or emotional trauma
eliminating a bad temper
managing irritation and anger
cultivate compassion or forgiveness
discover joy and happiness
emanate unconditional love
#3 Sarvangasana – Shoulder Stand
Perhaps the most advanced or physically demanding Yoga pose of the three, sarvangasana is the shoulder stand position. Referenced as one of the top 5 most powerful asanas in many great yogic texts such as “The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali”, this Yoga pose generates sublimation through an inverted body position. Sublimation is an alchemical process whereby energy from the lower chakras of our being is raised to the higher chakras – specifically the throat chakra in this asana.
This is the best Yoga pose for converting and transmuting gross and dense energy that often characterize emotions to pure subtle energy.
Sarvangasana transforms negativity into positivity, heaviness and lethargy into vivaciousness, and despair into hope. It can be very healing and provide a serene and harmonizing effect, unifying the mind and emotions.
Execution of This Tantra Yoga Pose

Lie on your back, raise your legs up towards your head placing your hands on your lower back for support, like a tripod or pedestal. Then, raise your legs up towards the sky, keeping the feet and legs slightly apart. Feet and legs should not touch in order to observe the polarity of energy. If being in a fully vertical position is not possible allow the legs to come down slightly and rest at a slight angle. Refer to the photos to the right for a photo demonstration.
Alternatively you can use a wall and/or pillows for support.
Close your eyes and focus your attention on the throat chakra, located at the pit of your throat. If your mind wanders away from the point of concentration simply bring it back.

It is recommended to hold this asana as long as possible. If you are a beginner try holding sarvangasana for 1 minute continuously. For more advanced practitioners you can start with 2-5 minutes. As you adapt to the position, slowly build up your practice time. Ideally this yoga pose is held for 5-10 minutes at a time, but can even be maintained for 20-30 minutes. The longer you hold the position the greater the effects and the stronger the energy circulation.
Effects of This Tantra Yoga Pose
Since our emotions are mainly contained and produced in our lower chakras (specifically the second chakra), sarvangasana can transmute this emotional energy due to its inverted nature.
The Benefits of This Tantra Yoga Pose are;
relief from anger
relieves depression
lessens overwhelm
lessens a sense of hopeless
gives a feeling of uplift and elevation of the spirit
gives clarity
When these poses are performed the Tantra Yoga way then concentration of the mind and focused attention are paramount to achieve results and success.
Concentrate your mind, focus your attention and achieve a meditative state when performing these asanas.
The longer you are able to hold the asana while maintaining a fixed mind the more fruitful the practice will be and the faster the results will manifest.
Practice is key in order to feel the effects and see results.
Commit to a designated amount of practice daily. Not only will you benefit greatly but you will quickly realize the freedom that accompanies mastering your emotions.
I hope you see the benefits of controlling your emotions by practicing these Tantra Yoga Positions.
Thank you for reading. I wish you a very sensual day.
Dyann Bridges – writer, voiceover performer and coach for men
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