It’s Not About The Nail…
I came across this video. It’s supposed to be funny and poignant, but I don’t think it’s quite right.
The premise of the video is how women talk to men about problems. However, it’s clear it’s definitely made from a guy’s point of view.
Tell me what you think…
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The problem is… “the nail” is obvious to the guy which is maybe why it’s not quite right.
You guy’s think the answer is obvious but in fact… women could be seeing things in a very different way.
In fact, men and women often see things in different ways. This video seems to be funny mostly to men because they think some things are obvious when there are other ways to perceive the situation.
Unfortunately, many women don’t always know how to express our own unique perspective.
Often times that has to do with being ignored or disregarded because we don’t see things like men do.
It’s disappointing, but true. I’ve seen it happen in my own life many times.
Perhaps this video (It’s Not About The Nail) which has been seen more than 13.5 MILLION times since May of 2013 says much more about MEN than it does women.
WHAT DO YOU THINK? – (Please comment below)
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