This post comes from The Authentic Tantra Institute founded and run by Devi Ward Erickson…
Sexual Energy Is The Creative Portal From Whence We Came Into Existence…
“Most don’t realize how extensively sexual trauma and repression affects our everyday experience.
Any degree of trauma or even harboring negative thoughts around sexual energy and behavior affects our ability to trust and connect with others.
On a primitive level, sexual energy is a natural and vital component of our existence; we can’t be separated from it.
So, feeling sexually disempowered naturally affects our feelings of safety and ability to connect with others.
Ways our Sexual Energy and Expression is Oppressed:
- Harassment (verbal/physical)
- Judgment
- Religious condemnation
- Forced Monogamy
- Fear mongering with Pregnancy, STI’s etc.
On a biological level, our bodies sustain a level of stress and tension that slowly deprives the tissues of oxygen and energy.
When I started practicing Tantra my body and nervous system gradually RELAXED and released a lifetime of tension I was unconsciously harboring in my soma.
At IATE, we’ve worked with many male clients who hold tension in the perineum, have high stress, and PE.
It makes sense…tension is a natural stress response; we just need to regain connection, balance, and the ability to fully RELAX into life and pleasure.
Having PE and feeling out of control of your body affects a man’s overall confidence…how he interacts with partners, and how he approaches pleasure and social interactions.
Eventually, sexual pleasure morphs into something to be anxious and stressed about rather than excited about.
Sexuality is abused and exploited all over the world including in our own homes.
Most time the abuse remains unreported and unprocessed. This allows the trauma to take residence in the body, making us feel tense, and disconnected- hindering sexual function and pleasure.
Sexual repression has a history of being used by the most powerful countries as a means of control.
Stealing sexual expression is a terrorist act meant to break a person’s will and control them.
Sometimes the methods are obvious like stoning women for adultery in the Middle East.
Sometimes more subtle, like the lack of justice for American women who have been sexually abused or raped leading to a lack of safety.
Ignorance is another major cause of our suffering.
The message of “Abstinence or STI” is ridiculous, and reduces sex to a series of life-changing risks.
Instead of educating kids on why NOT to do something that’s highly pleasurable and healthy, teach them why sexuality is sacred and vital to their overall health. What about teaching them to seek connection with their partners and how to harness sexual energy for health, instead of wasting it?
Ignorance can spread like wildfire through generations until somebody throws a flag and changes the course.
Sexual Energy is the creative portal from whence we came into existence.
Therefore, when we can tap into our own sexual energy, we are “tapping into” the creative energy of our very existence!
Understanding how the Vagus Nerve functions can help us open the portal of our human nervous system.
The Vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the human body and runs from the brain to the large intestine.
On the way down, it dips its branches into the laryngeal nerve, affecting speech and swallowing.
Next, it passes by the heart, lungs, and GI tract, telling them to “chill” and not stress. It’s in charge of our Endocrine system, sensory perception, taste buds, and the ability to “relax & digest.”
Guess where else it goes? The genitals!
Orgasms can be felt by women who’ve had spinal cord injuries, by way of deep vaginal penetration, which stimulates the Vagus nerve.
The function and organization of the Vagus Nerve is solid evidence that sexuality and creative expression are connected.
From your verbal expression to your gut to your genitals, it’s all connected by a common thread… and therefore directly affected.
When we learn how to harness sexual energy for our health, pleasure, and spiritual growth, it can no longer be used to harm or disempower us.
By working directly on healing sexual trauma with tantra, we open the portal to creation itself!
Being “sexually liberated” means living without sexual fear, guilt, shame, and judgment.
It means doing what feels good to you and your body without shame or guilt. It means you live authentically, with confidence and presence in every moment of your existence.”
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