In this post you’ll be hearing from a man who runs a Tantra school overseas. His name is Somananda and he is discussing the Whole Body Energy Orgasm that you can receive from practicing Tantra.
You can watch him actually give a woman a Whole Body Energy Orgasm WITHOUT Touching her.. HERE
I’m a fan of Tantra and what it means as a full life philosophy and spiritual practice. There are few places online that speak about tantra, tantra massage and the branches of the tantric spiritual practice that I feel are authentic.
So, in this video below, you will hear from Somananda of the Somanada Tantra School about Tantra & exactly what a Whole Body Energy Orgasm is and what it can do for you.
Liisa Maimon (Co-founder and partner at the Somananda School of Tantra) introduces the full body energy orgasm.
Liisa says,
“So the way things are going to happen today is that Somananda is going to present the topic the whole body energy orgasm as a such a incredible like catapult for health or rejuvenation for all sorts of healing and just also for pleasure, definitely. Tiffany, it was kind of your inspiration as well to do this event. Could you share with us a little bit about where that was coming from.”
Tiffany (Yoga instructor at the Somananda school) says,
“It’s just been so long since we’ve done anything on the full body energy orgasm and yet it’s the reason I think a lot of people find their way to someone at the tantra school. I know it was the way I found my way with someone on the tantra path it was rather unexpected and serendipitous.”
Liisa says,
“So Tiffany how would you describe the whole body energy orgasm?”
Tiffany says,
“So I thought it was going to be exactly like a physical orgasm, but it was not. It was a lot more Divine and sublime.”
Liisa says,
“For me it was like a state of bliss. You feel like everything is perfect, like the Divine is in the room there with you. There is nothing that you need to achieve. There is nothing that you need to do. It’s a state of peace and bliss and like being in a really pleasant place in every cell of the body. It’s an incredible experience.”