Patreon’s Attack On The Four Chambers Creator –
Vex Ashley
**UPDATED FOR 2022**
So… just as I’m getting my Patreon page up and going the FOSTA-SESTA law rears its ugly head (again).
Every week, I write quite a few articles for my main site,(HERE) as well as, for the membership page on Patreon. I call it; The Body House Chronicles. It’s where I (Dyann) chronicle the 3 fringe industries of sex, cannabis and psychics.
I recently noticed, while testing the links back to my Patreon Page (at that the links weren’t working properly.
The Problem With Patreon
For example, when I checked the link like the one above, it would open in a new tab and ask you to go through a “privacy captcha” before you could get to my Patreon page.
After it forces you to choose the pictures with the cars or street signs your taken to the Patreon HOME page. Not my membership page. What the hell?
A quick browser search [not necessarily Google] told me Patreon was being pressured by it’s money merchants, Stripe and PayPal, to put the kibosh on creators with sexual content.
Creator Casualties (Remember this is from 2018…)
The following link is an example of one of the Patreon creator casualties.
The weak, small-minded, judgmental executives at large financial institutions like Stripe and PayPal have (once again) strong-armed a platform for indy creatives. Of course, they are also backed by the powerful new law – FOSTA-SESTA.
The F***ers.
No matter what you think of sexual content on the internet, it has a right to be there.
Vex Ashley and her Four Chambers is the kind of project that Patreon has now axed due to financial pressures from callous, small minded financial executives.
Vex Ashley also represents the kind of independent creative spirit Patreon was originally intended to support.
Beware. This is the kind of censorship and control that is now rising up through our democracy.
The F***ers.
FOUR CHAMBERS (4 Year Creator on Patreon) <—- Loooong gone. <—- Definitely check this out!
Below is a short excerpt from the message Vex Ashley, a former porn star and creator of Four Chambers, says to her supporters on her now suspended Patreon page.
**Vex Ashley is a 25 year old female porn star based in the UK.**
“Four Chambers started on Patreon almost 4 years ago with the idea that we might raise enough money to be able to pay our performers. Our first goal was to make $250 dollars a month and until then we’d just been taking gift card donations and I was funding the project with my sex work online and our “vanilla” jobs. We never ever expected it to take off the way that it did.
The response to the project was more than we ever could have imagined, the way you as a community connected with what we were trying to do, your generosity, how excited and engaged everyone was with helping to support us… “
Dyann’s 2 cents: Patreon has been a great platform for many artists and Four Chambers was part of that.
Vex goes on to say this… which is an extremely important point she makes about sex and modern society…
“But progressively as the site grew, the terms and conditions got stricter and more specific. And we were waiting. Like we always are. To potentially have to start all over again. Sometimes people would ask why we didn’t just leave already and there’s a few reasons (some of them are stubbornly based in denial and pride) but a big part was that we know we deserve to be here, we wanted to try to keep existing, keep holding onto that space and keep that door open as long as we possibly could.But it’s come to this. We were contacted by Patreon over the weekend and we have to remove any connection between Patreon and pornographic content.”
Here is another great point young Vex makes… and let’s remember she is based in the UK. Patreon is an American based company.
Vex Ashley goes on:
“This is an issue bigger than Patreon (In the climate of FOSTA/SESTA) It probably goes beyond even the payment processors. it’s a world wide, online AND in person crack down on freedom of expression, on women, on marginalised people, on sex and sex work, on non conventional forms of labour that counter the status quo: the domination of corporations and the patriarchy. On dissent.”
This is it. This is the world we live in now. It must be combatted with information, awareness and a sense of inclusion.
I’ve learned fighting back means never letting anyone steal your joy. No one.
Fight from a place of internal freedom in the face of external control.
It will baffle them. It will frustrate and infuriate them. In the end… it will drain them.
The patriarchy and politics of oppression wither in the face of steadfast exuberance.
Thank you for supporting The Body House.
Dyann Bridges is a publisher and coaching confidante for men.
Discover more about Dyann’s unique relationship advice here:
Discover Dyann’s Unique Philosophy on the genders—-> The Relaters Manual: A Guide For Men
Have a sensual day, Dyann Bridges xoxo Contact:
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