UPDATE 2020 – Things have really changed in the erotic massage business. Today it’s harder to find a decent place to perform the massage from. Manhattan is a dead city zone now. Cuomo and DeBlasio killed it.
However, the actual art and service of sensual massage lives on. It always will. Men will always seek out women.
You can get the full lowdown on the demise of Backpage in April of 2018 from a man who was there when it happened below…..
Get the full lowdown on how Backpage went under and erotic massage became harder to find.
The First Part here…
It’s a 2 Part series… The Second Part here…
Click here to view original web page at www.news.com.au
Discover how women from China end up doing erotic massage for a living instead of going to school …
Here’s an excerpt from the story linked above….
“Claire never intended to become a sex worker. The single mum left her country for a better life, starting work in a Manhattan nail salon until she could no longer stand the fumes. A friend offered a crash course in deep-tissue therapy, which led to her new position as an unlicensed masseuse.
The trade is fueled by hopeful immigrants like her — predominantly from China, Korea, Thailand and the Philippines. The Rutgers study found that sex workers in Los Angeles took home, on average, $US7,200 a month. In New York the figure was $US6,000.
The owners take home much more, and an Urban Institute found that profits are primarily put into other businesses or property. Like a cab license or a bodega, a massage parlor — illicit or otherwise — is seen as a pathway to success in America.”
Although this story has nothing to do with Dyann… it does speak to the types of men who she often dealt with as clients.
Thank you for your interest in The Body House…
Contact Dyann at: thebodyhouse.biz@gmail.com
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Interviews With Erotic Providers – https://thebodyhouse.biz/category/interviews-with-sex-energy-psychic-experts-the-body-house-chronicles/
Sex & Relationship Expert Susan Bratton – https://thebodyhouse.biz/g-pg-sex-relating-advice-for-men
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Contact Dyann – Email: thebodyhouse.biz@gmail.com