This is a short meditation to connect with the Greek god Apollo. Apollo was an extraordinary God.
Even among the Olympians he had an exceptional number of gifts.
He was known for being the God of Light and Truth and of the Sun, Clarity, Prophecy, Music and Poetry.
Both men and women were attracted to Apollo. They asked for his guidance in all matters of their life.
Apollo is here for you too. Whenever you’re feeling confused, you can ask Apollo to shine his light on the truth.
To help you cut through with Clarity to the heart of the matter.
See Apollo in front of you now. He looks incredibly strong, tall, blonde and handsome.
See him glowing now, like the radiant Sun he reigns over. Ask for clarity in any situation and the energy of Apollo will guide you to the truth.
Apollo places his hand above your head and you start to feel a warmth moving through your skull, down through your face and into your neck.
Allow his energy to penetrate you now. This energy helps you to see what’s really going on. To question things on the surface. To want to dig deeper.
The God Apollo helps you do that.
Look for the truth and see where it leads.
Apollo also has the gift of Prophecy. He can help you to see where it leads. All you need to do is bring him up in your mind’s eye at any time of the day and he can help you pierce deception. He’ll help you see through falsehoods.
Allow yourself to really hear what Apollo is telling you.
What is he saying?
The truth is sometimes uncomfortable. It’s outside of our normal thinking, but Apollo is here for you and for the truth.
Will you listen to what he has to say?
Accept the truth. It’s your to know.
Let it be so.
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Dyann Bridges xoxo
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