Many men are waking up to the reality that something has gone very wrong in our American society.
They are also understanding that the only way to fix it is to grab the mantle of their own manhood.
If you’re a man who feels ‘divorced’ from himself or like there a two sides of you that don’t talk to each other, consider that NOW is the time to become ready to live from your core.
This could be described as having a ‘spiritual’ experience or simply maturing; in other words, it’s the Power of Presence calling you toward your true self and demanding the false self be left behind.
With the true self no longer repressed and afraid, you shake off the personality masks and comes boldly forward. You become united within. You no longer fight yourself.
That when we realize the freedom we really have to live from the core of our being,
We are also freed from practicing immature behaviors and silly thinking.
As a man, the power to honor the truth-to speak it and be it–is at the heart of true masculinity.
When a man or woman feels stymied and shrinks from being their true selves, there will always be a problem.
Today, one of our biggest crisises (no, not climate change) is the lack of masculine energy in biological men.
Note, I didn’t say testosterone. I mean masculine energy.
Like the energy of who we are, it’s baked into our genetics and our spirit. Some things can’t and shouldn’t be changed.
One of the best ways to get back into with your true self and genuine manhood is to be in the present moment – as often as you can.
I’ve been meditating for over 20+ years and I can tell you I would not be as mentally content and physically healthy if I hadn’t of built a daily meditation practice all those years ago.
The Present Moment is a doorway. A doorway into insights as to the way life really is right now.
Living in the moment stops us from lying to others, but mostly to ourselves. We want to brush off certain ideology as worthless, until we dig deeper.
The realization that an idea can sound crazy on the surface, but once you dig deeper it has merit has everything to do with honoring the moment.
We need more people who can honor the moment.
If you’re reading this, I hope you’re the kind of man (or woman) who wants to develop depth and strength and heart. That’s what you’ll need if you are going to deal with life as it is.
Instead of how you’d rather have it be.
If you need help with this I’m here. This is Dyann Bridges, I’m a coach and confidante for men.
I can help pinpoint where the sticking points are in your life, thought process and energy field.
Then I can give you advice that will help you strengthen your grip on your manhood.
Contact me for more details or check my book and course…
If you found this content valuable please share it.
Dyann Bridges xoxo
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