The Kama Sutra is a multi layered, intense and highly detailed text.
It comes from from an ancient Hindu textbook, written in Sanskrit, about erotic love called The Kamasutra.
Very little is known about its author, Vatsyayana Mallanga, other than his name.
It’s believe to have been written sometime in the 3rd century AD.
We do know that the Kama Sutra is waaaaay deeper than we’ve been led to believe.

Some Quick Back Story
The Kama Sutra is the world’s oldest book on the pleasures of sensual and erotic living. It seems it does not have just one single author, but many.
It was originally put together somewhere in the 3rd century between 201 and 300 A.D. by the East Indian sage Vatsyayana. I would guess Vatsyayana acted much like an editor-in-chief for the text collecting the works of other authors.
In rather odd fashion, Vatsyayana was apparently a celibate monk. He claimed his work of compiling sexual knowledge was a form of meditation for him.
The title of the Kama Sutra literally means “a treatise on pleasure.” This work is far more complex than a simple list of gymnastic type sexual positions we think it is.
Essentially, the Kama Sutra provides a comprehensive manual of living for the good life. Not unlike the spiritual philosophy of Tantra.
It was written to be read by and provide detailed advice for both men and women.
So, the below information is just a small part of this phenomenal and complete text for living a sensual and loving life.
The below terms are used in accordance with the size of his lingam (penis).
Man is divided into three classes:
- the hare man (small)
the bull man (middling)
the horse man (large)
As well, a woman is divided into 3 classes according to the depth of her yoni (vagina):
- female deer (small)
mare (female horse) (middling)
female elephant (large)
There are also nine kinds of unions according to the force of passion or carnal desire.
See the following table: Equal Matches of Force of Passion:
Men Women
Small Small
Middling Middling
Intense Intense
UNEqual Matches of Force of Passion:
Men Women
Small Middling
Intense Middling
Small Intense
Small Middling
A man is called a man of small passion whose desire at the time of sexual union is not great, whose semen is scanty, and who cannot bear the warm embraces of the female.
Those who differ from this temperament are called men of middling passion, while those of intense passion are full of desire.
In the same way, women are supposed to have….. The three degrees of feeling are specified above.
So, this is just one small part of how the Kama Sutra “charts” human sexuality.
The text is nearly 2000 years old originally written in Sanskrit by numerous unknown authors.
Remember —>
The Kama Sutra was a guide on sensual, pleasurable living that included much more than sex.
Much of it is still relevant for today’s modern living.
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